
The Laptop battery has the significant breakthrough

The notebook computer lengthens the battery period of revolution workteam (EBL-WG) to announce its low power loss display monitor planobtains the significant breakthrough.

The notebook computer lengthens the battery period of revolution workteam (EBL-WG) to announce its low power loss display monitor planobtains the significant breakthrough, the definite average may shipout more than 6 million power losses every year not to surpass 3 tilesthe low power loss 12.1/14.1/15.0 XGA display monitors, estimated willoccupy in 2004 the notebook computer to ship out the total quantityapproximately 12%.

Establishes this plan from a year ago to start, the display monitoraverage power loss already dropped from 4.3 - 4.5 tiles to 3 tiles orless ¨d¨d economical electric powers is equal extra to increases 60minutes batteries period of revolution for the notebook computer. TheEBL-WG goal will be realizes every year to the beginning of to produce1, 00.01 million power losses will not surpass 3 tiles the displaymonitors, estimated will occupy in 2005 the notebook computer to shipout the total quantity approximately 20%.

The Intel company moves the platform enterprise department migrationsupport to plan Manager concurrently EBL-WG President Kamal Shah toindicate that, the notebook computer demonstrated the subsystem holdsthe quite great proportion in the notebook computer whole averagepower loss. So far, in notebook computer interior each kind of moduleand the subsystem, involves the electric quantity which thedemonstration aspect the subsystem consumes to be most. Shah statedthat, "Along with the brand-new low power loss demonstrationtechnology appearance, demonstrated the subsystem also will certainlyto gradually decrease the power loss, thus continues to impel to movethe platform overall power loss unceasingly to drop."

He indicated that, "The consumer requests the notebook computer tohave the longer battery period of revolution the call to be more andmore high. If we must realize time charge the perfect condition whichthe entire day uses, then reduces the notebook computer to demonstratethe subsystem the power loss is the key is at."

The EBL-WG significant breakthrough indicated the manufacturer moreand more hoped reduces the platform the power loss, satisfies the userto lengthen the battery period of revolution the demand. Recentlyallied EBL-WG several companies to include: AMD, ATI Technologies Inc,BIC, Infineon, Millennium Cell Corporation, Motorola energy systementerprise department, O2Micro and Sion Power.

The great base value creation center (Acer Value Lab) vice- presidentArif Maskatia indicated that, "We universal migration life stylerequest ιšζ—Άιšεœ° can visit the information day by day. ThroughWi-Fi, the Internet visit changes more and more simple and is popular,we need to use the longer battery period of revolution to come for itto provide the powerful support, such user can truly have the splendidwireless experience."

EBL-WG unceasingly is expanding the work, in order to impels theentire profession to use its method to survey the battery period ofrevolution, from this will be allowed for the notebook computermanufacturer to appraise the different display monitor the power losswill provide an general reference. This group will be encouraging alldisplay monitors manufacturer the power loss which will surveyaccording to the EBL-WG criterion to join in its product data sheet.This plan will support the notebook computer manufacturercomprehensive appraisal display monitor characteristic to tabulate,and through will simplify the display monitor confirmation flow in theidentical place translation all correlation data.

About notebook computer EBL-WG

The notebook computer lengthens the battery period of revolution workteam (EBL-WG) is a global profession organization, various memberscompany close cooperation, devotes to lengthens the notebook computerthe battery period of revolution.

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